Money Math: One of the B.I.G.G.E.S.T. Parts of Life
We teach the essentials of budgeting, investing, giving and getting money (like from an inheritance), earning, saving and trusting money. These constitute the Seven B.I.G.G.E.S.T. aspects of managing money. Yes, those seven aspects spell out BIGGEST! Most adults will attest to the fact that managing money is in fact one of the BIGGEST parts of life.
Every student must be introduced to these seven lessons in order to start out in life with a strong foundation of financial knowledge. Each one of these seven lessons helps students develop what we call "Money Sense". Having a strong foundation of financial knowledge is "Money Sense" and is the first step on the path to achieving financial success in life.
We teach the essentials of budgeting, investing, giving and getting money (like from an inheritance), earning, saving and trusting money. These constitute the Seven B.I.G.G.E.S.T. aspects of managing money. Yes, those seven aspects spell out BIGGEST! Most adults will attest to the fact that managing money is in fact one of the BIGGEST parts of life.
Every student must be introduced to these seven lessons in order to start out in life with a strong foundation of financial knowledge. Each one of these seven lessons helps students develop what we call "Money Sense". Having a strong foundation of financial knowledge is "Money Sense" and is the first step on the path to achieving financial success in life.
Invaluable Investing: More Than Interesting, Indispensable
OK, we will beg you to sign up for this one. We're not ashamed. Sign up for this one now. Stop reading and contact us right away if you understand the importance of time in investing. If you don't, take our word on it, and schedule this workshop right now. Yes, it's that important. We look at the strength in numbers behind the numbers - namely the power of compounding. Don't take our word for it - Einstein said, “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world." |
For Goodness' Sake, Give: Why Giving is Grand
Why is this here? Aren't we all trying to keep more of it? Well, yes. But there are real-world business and money principles that tell us to reconsider our first inclinations about holding onto our money. We introduce those principles and the many positive ramifications of giving our money away (no, not all of it). |
Getting the G's: Gettin' Giddy and Living to Tell About It
We will all get money without earning it the old-fashioned way, it's just a matter of how we handle it. Whether it is 100G from an inheritance, 10K from a loan, or 100 Uncle Bens from gambling, we will explore the dangers and consequences of getting money these ways. This workshop tells how not to do it and what to do when we do get it - without earning it. It may not play out until many years down the road, but this could be the difference that puts you on a different path in life. |
Earning The G's: Learn To Earn, Then Burn It And Turn It
Parents, you will thank us for this one. And you teachers, who truly care about your students, you will appreciate this workshop. We will flip the switch in your students' minds that turns on the light to how easy it can be do make money. And by easy, no we don't mean kicking back and watching the dollars flow in. But we do mean that young people can do things they like to do to make money. We will help them see how it can add up fast, and what we can do with it once we have some of it. |
Self-Serving Saving: How It's Smart And How To Start
Did you really save money with those coupons? This workshop will look at intentional saving for short- and mid-term goals, including those unpleasant "unexpected" expenses like emergencies and the car needing new tires. Want to buy that new shiny gizmo, gotta have that new toy? Save for it. Save, save, save. Schedule today and Save! |
Trusting Money: The Troubling Truth & Transformation
There is a troubling truth about money that we would all be wise to heed. What does it mean to put our trust in our money? This is related to the "Giving" lessons and expands on those, while introducing end-of-life planning and discussing different perspectives on money from those who have accumulated wealth and those who have not. Right, we know, young people aren't thinking about that right now. Never to early to hear about it though. It's worth it. |