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Strength in Numbers Tutoring (Strength in Numbers, Inc.) is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization.
All contributors will receive a year-end receipt of donations for your tax purposes. Payments for private tutoring sessions are not considered tax-deductible gifts. |
Numbers Level
up to $99 Strength in Numbers! You will be part of Strength in Numbers and you will give us strength in numbers! Thank you! |
Additive Level
$100+ Increase the foundation. Support 2 or more students in changing their lives as they learn math for school and the real world. |
Multiplicative Level
$250+ Add a new dimension. Support 5 or more students in changing their lives as they learn math, helping them find both success in school and financial responsibility in the real world. |
Exponential Level
$500+ Take it to the next level. Support 10 or more students in changing their lives, and in so doing help expand our reach to more young people their networks. |
Founders Level
$1000+ Establish the foundation. Lay a strong financial foundation to enable us to serve more and more students. Strength in Numbers indeed! |