You can't make a living tutoring, so I heard. And in a not-for-profit organization? Why do this? Why go out on a "lim"? (1) I believed then and do now that everyone should have number sense – one of the most basic skills necessary to succeed in life. Everyone, not just the few fortunate ones that can afford $45 per session. And I believe that everyone should have money sense – also one of the most basic skills necessary to succeed in life. I believed then and do now that my network of friends and family and coworkers and neighbors and people through the community will come alongside me and support this "foolish" endeavor. I believed then and do now that I will find a few committed, like-minded individuals who would help lift this mission off the ground. Fortunately, I have found some good people already. We are looking for more, so please contact us for information. What about the meaning of the name? Why Strength in Numbers? First of all, the students we help through the nonprofit will, we hope, come away with strength in numbers – a greater understanding of school math and real-world math. With that greater knowledge and understanding of numbers they will be empowered to enjoy a better future vocationally and financially. Second, while this started with just one individual we won’t achieve the vision of seeing all students graduate with number and money sense until we have strength in numbers – a greater army of like-minded volunteers and staff who together reach more than one person alone could ever help. There you have it. Strength in Numbers. We're going out on a "lim" since that is where the fruit it. Will you join us? Click here to contact us and learn more about what we do. | (1) This is a reference to limits which is an important concept in upper level high school math. It is commonly abbreviated to "lim" which sounds like "limb". OK, it's a stretch. I know. |
As the very first post to this blog, I thought it wise to explain this foolishness. You see, the articles of incorporation for this nonprofit were filed on April 1, 2015, April Fool's Day. On purpose.
Sara Anderson
8/22/2015 03:54:27 am
I thought the explanation of your non profit was excellent. The cause is very worthy.
8/22/2015 05:32:42 am
Thanks. I agree!
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AuthorMark B. Anderson Archives
January 2024